Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Booker!!!

At 4:09am on November 6th, 2007, this boisterous bundle of joy was born 8 weeks early . I barely remember seeing his little face for the first time before they whisked him away to the Neonatal ICU. About 8 hours later, I was wheeled down to to find my tiny 4 pound 12 ounce boy in a incubator, tubes everywhere. The doctor and nurse explained that he was doing very well and was already off oxygen. It was all a fog. I couldn't take my eyes off this perfect little being. Ed and I spend every moment we could next to his bedside during the next 22 days. He was 6 pounds 6 ounces on November 28th when we finally took him home where he has continued to grow and thrive.

Booker now weighs almost 24 pounds. He can crawl very fast and will be walking soon. He is a very happy boy, smiling and laughing most of the time. He continues to be a terrfic eater, plowing down anything you put in front of him. He loves to clap along with us and is starting to kind of "dance" to music. He waves to Aunt Hannah via webcam on most nights. "Momma" is the word of his days but his heart belongs to Daddy.

I had several people ask me today if I was sad to see my boy growing up. I enjoy him more every minute I spend with him. I love to see him getting more independent every day. His early arrival into this world left us with doubt for his future but now we see all the possibilities.

Happy Birthday, Andrzej Booker Cherry! Keep growing and learning and doing things your own way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOOKER!! What a great entry Allison. Hard to believe a year has already gone by. Booker looks so big and healthy. And it is nice to see you enjoying all the stages that go with a growing baby. It just gets better and better! Congrats!