Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

smiling boy

sorry for the hiatus...

This hat still just kills me.

He's getting so chubby!

in the "magic" swing

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tummy time!

This mat is so cute. It's shaped like a surfboard. We love it!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I just can't help myself...

I know this is my 3rd post today. I'm obsessed with my kid and my digital camera. This fuzzy dinosaur outfit is one of our favorites. The only drawback is that it leaves navy blue fuzzies between his toes which is why we only wear the day of or before bath. Aunt Hannah joined us for dinner and bath time tonight. Hannah hung out for a minute while I ran to collect Ed from work. I was grateful not to have to take the baby out in the rain. Hannah got a whole 1/2 hour to study Booker's little fingers. Everyone wins!

"Aunt" Chrissy

Well, she's not Booker's aunt technically but the title still fits! Chrissy is a former co-worker turned BFF who lives in Maryland. She and her boyfriend, Matt, both had business meetings in Austin this week and headed west early by a day just to hang with us! The visit was not nearly long enough. Chrissy and I used to spend 5 days a week together so this short visit just didn't cut it! Matt was born and raised in Austin so we hope they'll make their way back to TX permanently in the next few years. Here are some pics from our lunch at Cheesy Jane's:

As you can see, she was smitten with the big man immediately! Don't you just love to see people you love in a photo together?

virtual tour of Booker's room

Saturday, January 19, 2008

We love Aunt Hannah!

Hannah met Booker and I up at Whole Foods Market this morning for some breakfast and grocery shopping. I threw out the idea of Hannah taking my car, the groceries and Booker back to her house and I'd meet her there later to help her fix dinner for friends that night. She jumped at the chance! I got to go home, shower and enjoy the quiet house with Ed for a few hours. Aunt Hannah not only did a fabulous job taking care of the little man but had to handle a super messy diaper situation. She's the greatest!
We had a fabulous dinner with Chrissy and Matt, who are visiting from Maryland. Dinner was followed by several funny games of Catch Phrase. What a great time! We're looking forward to lunch at Cheesy Jane's tomorrow before Chrissy and Matt head to Austin.

Friday, January 18, 2008

just a few things...

1. Our little family stayed bundled up inside today because it was cold and rainy. We stayed in PJ's and ate ice cream. It was great.

2. I have to come to the realization that I dislike breastfeeding.

  • I always smell like breast milk no matter how many times I change the pads in my bra.
  • I have to wear pads in my bra. I have to wear ugly nursing bras. I have to wear layers always to hide the said bra and pads.
  • I still have to take my stinky prenatals every day.
I feel like I'm missing a Mommy part or something. I will trudge on with it until March when Booker is 4 months old and reevaluate.

3. Booker has started to sporadically smile directly at me. He likes when I have a towel on my head after a shower or if I blink my eyes at him really fast. I actually missed him while he slept today. I couldn't wait for him to be awake again so he might smile at me. This is not a rational thought process for someone who sleeps in 3 hour increments.

4. Booker looks especially chubby today which is so pleasing to me (and makes me feel more guilty about point #2). Here he is, full tummy, on the way to bed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

He's my big boy...

And looks a little like the Big Boy...
Now if only I could find a little pair of checkered overalls...

all tuckered out

I propped Booker up in the corner of the chair for a moment while I took off my sweatshirt and couldn't resist snapping some photos.

The Calvin Klein Jeans sweatsuit, that came with 2 matching onsies, is courtesy of Aunt Hannah. It came in a tiny garment bag...too much!
This photo is from about a month ago while my Mom was visiting. Same outfit, much smaller baby!

This is Booker's one-eyed-jack look. He always opens one eye first. He's been doing this since he was 2 days old.

So, he won't smile at me while he's conscious but if I talk to him when he's falling asleep, he'll flash me one of these. It's cute either way.
Thanks to Aunt Hannah for another lunch at Rosario's. Booker gets snuggles, I get great Mexican food and adult conversation...Aunt Hannah always has a hard time going back to the office!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

weight update

9 pounds 10 ounces!!!

That's a 1 pound 5 ounce gain in a week! I'm so glad that he's feeling better and on the upward growth again. He was in super cute cuddly mode today too...bonus for Mom! Here are some shots...

I love this outfit. It makes him look like a living teddy bear. He won't be able to wear it for long though!

This was an almost smile. He's so close!

Shiloh decided he needed to join the photo shoot. Booker is definitely starting to notice him. His eyes get really big any time the dog comes near him. Thanks to Reagan for the super soft Toyota blanket. It was one of my birthday gifts. It's like a giant sweatshirt!

Monday, January 14, 2008

This boy loves his Daddy...

Booker is just facinated with his Dad's face. These two are just too cute together. Ed went back to work today, so we've been missing him for the past few hours. Booker and I had a nice quiet day together though. He seems to be feeling alot better and was extra kissable today for some reason.

Here he is in his Kiddapotomus swaddle blanket...the best invention ever. He sleeps alot longer when swaddled so we use these blankets almost every night. I refer to it as a baby straight jacket. It calms him right down.

Booker's film debut...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A new toy!

My wonderful family (Mom, Dad & Hannah) got me a digital camera for me birthday! It was just one of the things that made my day yesterday just perfect. Hannah also offered to watch Booker while I had a movie (Juno...I highly recommend it!) date with my husband. I love that boy but it was nice to forget that I was a Mommy for a minute. I received all kinds of wonderful gifts, cards, e-mails and phone calls from family and friends. It was just a lovely day!

So, back to my camera. It is so cool. I haven't quite figured it out yet but luckly I have a few picture-worthy subjects wandering around my house. This is my favorite shot from today:

It has video capabilities too so I'll work on that. The big man wasn't in the best of moods while I was messing with the camera earlier so I'll try to catch him later.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Today is my birthday.

#34...and I am loved. More on this tomorrow.

me - 10 days old

stuff I meant to post yesterday...

Here are my guys hanging on the couch after a long walk in Brackenridge Park. It was a lovely day, almost 70 degrees. We love San Antonio! The park will be really fun when Booker can help feed the ducks and go on the playground. He slept through most of this trip but he is starting to enjoy riding in his stroller.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Super Dad

The cat got a little jealous today and decided to take matters into his own hands. Daddy's lap used to belong to only him!

Here are my guys hanging out in bed. I'm so in love with the two of them!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2 month check-up

string bean boy basking in the heat lamp before shots

8 lbs 5 oz (2 lb gain in 5 weeks)
22 inches long (1 inch growth in 5 weeks)
Ahead in motor skill development for a preemie (on track for a term baby his age)

Ear infection (treating with antibiotics)
Slight weight loss from 8 days ago (probably due to puking)
4 shots, 2 in each thigh (painful for Booker and Mommy!)

upset boy after shots

So, we'll have a cranky boy for another day or so and then he should start to feel better, stop puking and start gaining again. We'll go back for another weight check next Tuesday.

waiting in the car for prescriptions to be filled...

wearing the cutest socks ever...

being soothed by a Soothie...

It was a tough, tiring morning for all involved. Naps were enjoyed by all this afternoon.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sweet, sweet baby...

Here's a few pictures from this morning after Booker's bath. He's so interested in the ceiling fan! He sat in his Boppy pillow for about 45 minutes next to me on the couch looking at me and the fan. He's starting to make a few babbling sounds here and there too.

Here are the boys on the couch after dinner. He is facinated by daddy's face and glasses.

Look at all of that soft hair and the sweet little neck folds!

Say a little prayer...

...light a candle...send good thoughts. My parent's dachshund, Oskar, had surgery this morning on a herniated disk in his neck. He will spend the night in the University of Pennsylvania Vet Hospital ICU and is expected to come home Wednesday or Thursday. Here's a photo of him as a puppy with my brother, Peter.
Get well soon, little man! We're all pulling for you here in Texas!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Getting better all the time....

Booker's cold seems to be improving. We have not had any puking in 24 hours and he's eating at his normal pace again. Hooray!

We are really looking forward to our 2 month check-up with Dr. Fitch on Tuesday. I'll make sure to post the new measurements when I have them. It's hard to believe that he's been here for 2 months already.

Ed is on vacation for the next 7 days. There will be a lot of sleeping in and pancake breakfasts! I hope to be able to get some cleaning and reorganization done while he's on diaper duty. Hopefully, we'll be able to go to Gruene for the day or at least the Witte Museum. Booker and I are both looking forward to having his full attention for a few days!