Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hannah's Suprise Party!

Check out the slideshow to the right!

The menu:
  • mini corn dogs
  • mini chicken paninis
  • ham & piquillo pepper finger sandwiches (made by Ed)
  • mini beef tacos
  • 2 bite brownies
  • mini lemon bars
  • mini biscotti (made by Mom)
  • peanut M&M's

Hannah's birthday was 8/12 so she had no idea this was coming! Reagan and I, along with Hannah's assistant Deanna, lied all month to make this happen but it was all worth it. It was great to see the look on her face and to spend time with good friends.

Mini food

My Aunt Hannah is posting today while Mommy and Daddy are working.
We went to this great new restaurant last night called Gourmet Burger. Aunt Hannah ordered a mini burger sampler and thought i would enjoy eating the last one.
It fits quite nicely in my hands don't ya think?

Friday, August 8, 2008

9 month old boy!

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting pictures. My blog has not been cooperating. Check out the slideshow on the right.

So, Booker is now 20 pounds, 4 ounces and feels every bit of it especially when he's crashed out on your shoulder! He is almost crawling and trying very hard to pull up. Our theory of him skipping the crawling part may just be true.

He is a voracious eater. He can eat almost a whole banana himself. His favorite foods are animal crackers, carrots, yogurt and potatoes (sweet, white, mashed, fried...whatever). I have the freezer stocked with several different homemade purees that I freeze in ice cube trays. His dexterity gets better every day so he enjoys feeding himself although Cheerios are still a tough one and usually get thrown off the highchair tray to the dog, which delights both of them.

Booker is a talker. His babbles include lots of Mama with an occasional Dada thrown in. He enjoys the sound of his own voice and will often ramp to a high pitch squeal with no notice. He did this once in the dressing room of a high-end retailer while Aunt Hannah tried on clothes. Now, when he launches into full volume in the wrong place, he is quietly told to use his "Banana Republic Voice".

B still only has 2 teeth and it's tough to tell if more are immediatly coming through. He does enough damage to fingers, shoulders and the occasional exposed belly flab of Mom in PJ's with the 2 he has so those others can just take thier time!

He has become facinated with cell phones and remote controls. He also loves his Spiderman ball that is as big as he is. He loves his bath time and will be thrilled when I finally fill up the huge plastic pool in the back yard.

Booker is just a lovey dovey most of the time. He is a joy to be around and is told so often by fellow diners and shoppers.